About - Leading Digital Marketing Agency in Mumbai and Nagpur

Movers & shakers of the digital marketing hive, as they call us


Born to Leave an Impression, Raised with Experiences

Experiences from the grassroots of India, magnanimous dreams, and an insatiable interest in stories that make brands vividly alive—this is what our leadership team brought to the city some years ago. And this is also what forms the backbone of Buzz Makers today.

Your Goal, Our Passion. Your Success, Our Badge of Honour

The first brick of Buzz Makers was laid back in 2014 with a small yet compact team of zealous, mighty, and inquisitive folks. We kicked off this fun ride with brands like Craftsvilla and Junglee Pictures, and over the years, moved up the ladder to bigger names and multinational companies; Viacom 18, Jio brands, LLumar, and Aegon Life are a few to name.

Today, we are an end-to-end digital marketing agency with a hive in Mumbai and Nagpur, packed with a growing team of young professionals who love navigating the digital landscape. What fuels us to stay at it with a work-life balance that is rare to find these days? Well, it is the ice-breaking coffee breaks, easy but passion-driven work hours, and candid culture for us.


Making the Foundation, the Buzz, and Everything in Between

With a common love for personal storytelling, every team member here shares an interest in all the sweat and soul that make a business a buzzing one. We are known to take that very raw essence of a brand and use that to break the ceiling and how! In a nutshell, by offering end-to-end digital marketing services, we not only lead your business in the right direction but also make that journey count. We believe that to create a buzz in the industry, you must have a strong digital presence that speaks before you do.

Now that you have seen some of our work in action, here is a call to action to kickstart your journey with us.

Let’s talk!

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